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Dive into the world of chemical reactions and kinetics.

Instructor: Shivanand Upadhyay

Language: English

Valid Till: 2025-06-30

₹1499 26% OFF



Chemical kinetics is the branch of chemistry that deals with the rates of chemical reactions and how they are influenced by various factors. This course will cover topics such as reaction rates, rate laws, reaction mechanisms, collision theory, and catalysis.

Key Highlights:

  • It is a 12 lectures course. It's a two-week course. Each lecture is 1 to 1.5 hours on an average.
  • There are 6 DPPS containing approximately 110 problems and the sheet containing approximately 200 problems.
  • You will get at least total of 4 practice test papers (2 for mains and 2 for advanced) with answer key.
  • One question bank having one or more than one correct questions, completely based on NCERT. The statements of these         questions are directly taken from NCERT. It will help you revise all the concepts of the topic.
  • JEE ADVANCED PYQS contains nearly 20 problems from 2007 onwards PDF and their video solution of about 1 hour 15             minutes without any change in question and its answer given by IIT.
  • Weekly Planner as of Yearlong course for that Chapters will be shared with the learners.
  • Same set of Sheets and Dpps given in full year course will be assigned and shared to students of chapter wise course.
  • Doubts will be cleared through Chat box or live classes as per requirement of the dount and the learner.
  • If any of the student enrolls in full course after taking few chapters wise courses his fee paid for these will be refunded. Maximum refund amount will be 5K if more chapter's wise courses are taken by the student and the amount of fee given by him or her exceeds 5K.
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