What type of courses are available on Chemistry Academy app?
We offer different type of courses to meet the needs of different students. They are :- 1. Full IIT JEE course (11 th & 12 th) - ZENITH 2. Full 11 th course - BULL'S EYE 3. Crash course for upcoming JEE 4. Chapter wise courses for specific requirements. 5. Past Year Question of JEE Advanced with detailed video solutions.
What is the mode of teaching in Chemistry Academy?
Our students are ranging from Assam interior Village to Churu, from Jammu to Kochi, from Runn of Kutch to Vizag. As a result we do not have a common time slot available to conduct live classes YET. The app will provide you with detailed recorded lectures with every week plan to follow. There are also Sheets, DPP's and question Banks available for students on the app. Each chapter has 2 practice papers for Mains and 2 for Advanced.
How do I decide between Online classes v/s Offline courses?
Well nothing in life is pure White or Pure Black. Everything has its pros and cons. Online : 1.We as a teacher are able to teach everything in full detail to our satisfaction with proper support of experiment Videos , 3 D videos , Models. 2.In offline every lecture is for once in a lifetime. If you have missed it for any reason or you could not understand it for its intriguity/toughness, you have no choice. But here you can replay , pause and watch the lectures as per your time and comfort. 3 You can get lectures of the most experienced and best of the field teachers at your choice and your home. In offline classes you dont have the choice of selecting the teachers as per your liking. 4. No need to waste your energy,money and time in transport to coaching centres. Plus if you changing the city for coaching it is such a burden to parents finance and Child's spirit. No need to move away from your home and parents for JEE preparation.
I am a 12 th student but ruined my 11 th which course should I opt for ?
Dont worry you can still get your dreams come true. Go for ZENITH.
I am a class 10 student and I wish to start early. Which course should I start with?
Its a very wise decision and you should start with chapterwise course of Mole concept and Atomic Structure. We will soon be launching our early Bull's eye course and we will refund you the fees of these two chapters.
I am a Repeater/ Dropper. Which course should I go for?
Go for ZENITH. You will be best taken care of.
Can I depend ONLY on Chemistry Academy for my JEE Advanced and Main preparations?
Yes you can! We add every possible content required from NCERT, to foreign authors to various test series. You will get in depth and varied type of question collections to strengthen your Theory. It's a one-stop destination.
How will my doubts be resolved ?
You can ask your doubts on our APP chat box, our teachers will respond to them as soon as possible. We also conduct one-on-one Zoom meetings for individual doubts of the students as and when required throughout the week.
Which books should I buy besides Chemistry Academy course ?
You won't need any other academic support for Chemistry if you are enrolled with us. All you'll need is an open mind, NCERT books and 4 sets of registers along with a few coloured pens to make notes while listening to the lectures.